pitifulVM 源码分析

January 2, 2021 • 实习

pitifulVM 源码分析

pitifulVM 正如名字所说,是一个用C语言实现的简单的java虚拟机。 源代码在jserv/pitifulvm



  1. 首先按照输入的参数打开java的.class字节码文件流。
        FILE *class_file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    assert(class_file && "Failed to open file");


  1. 将class字节码文件载入内存
    class_file_t clazz = get_class(class_file);
    int error = fclose(class_file);
    assert(!error && "Failed to close file");
  1. 从字节码文件中寻找main方法入口代码
    method_t *main_method =
        find_method("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", &clazz);    // 从字节码中获取入口方法的指针
    assert(main_method && "Missing main() method");
  1. 执行代码,但是此处有一个问题,如注释所说目前该vjm缺少lang包
     /* FIXME: locals[0] contains a reference to String[] args, but right now
     * we lack of the support for java.lang.Object. Leave it uninitialized.
    int32_t locals[main_method->code.max_locals];
    int32_t *result = execute(main_method, locals, &clazz);
    assert(!result && "main() should return void");



数据类型 class_file_t

从第三步来看class_file_t clazz = get_class(class_file);,pitifulVM定义了一个数据类型 ’字节码文件’。我们来具体看这个数据类型。我们将之和正常的class字节码文件结构相比较。

typedef struct {
    constant_pool_t constant_pool;
    method_t *methods;     // 方法表
} class_file_t;




constant_pool_t 常量池


typedef struct {
    u2 constant_pool_count;        //uint16_t 常量池计数器
    const_pool_info *constant_pool;        //常量池表
} constant_pool_t;


typedef struct {
    const_pool_tag_t tag;    // java中数据类型的数值表示,具体如下图
    u1 *info;                // uint8_t 常量的详细信息,如字节程度,索引,所在class,具体内容等
} const_pool_info;

method_t 方法

在这里看到,“方法” 数据结构,所以在pitifulVM中没有实现方法计数器,可能会用sizeof()等方法代替。

typedef struct {
    char *name;
    char *descriptor;
    code_t code;    // 方法里的java代码,可能没有属性表attributes
} method_t;
typedef struct {
    u2 max_stack;
    u2 max_locals;
    u4 code_length;
    u1 *code;
} code_t;

至此,数据类型 class_file_t 分析结束,关系图如下:

方法 get_class()


class_file_t get_class(FILE *class_file)
    /* Read the leading header of the class file */

    /* Read the constant pool */
    class_file_t clazz = {.constant_pool = get_constant_pool(class_file)};

    /* Read information about the class that was compiled. */

    /* Read the list of static methods */
    clazz.methods = get_methods(class_file, &clazz.constant_pool);
    return clazz;
方法 get_class_header()



猜测该函数功能就仅仅是转移文件头指针到 class_file_t的第一个结构常量池部分,大概就是一次偏移u4(魔术)+u2(次版本号),u2(主版本号)


class_header_t get_class_header(FILE *class_file)
    return (class_header_t){
        .magic = read_u4(class_file),
        .major_version = read_u2(class_file),
        .minor_version = read_u2(class_file),


typedef struct {
    u4 magic;
    u2 minor_version;
    u2 major_version;
} class_header_t;


方法 get_constant_pool()


  1. 读取常量池计数器,为常量池动态分配内存。
constant_pool_t cp = {
        /* Constant pool count includes unused constant at index 0 */
        .constant_pool_count = read_u2(class_file) - 1,
        .constant_pool =
            malloc(sizeof(const_pool_info) * cp.constant_pool_count),
    assert(cp.constant_pool && "Failed to allocate constant pool");
  1. 接下来就是处理字节码文件常量池中的数据了,冗长的代码,但思路很简单。
const_pool_info *constant = cp.constant_pool;   // 获取结构体常量池指针,这里没有实际的作用,作用大概就是简化代码吧
    for (u2 i = 0; i < cp.constant_pool_count; i++, constant++) {
        constant->tag = read_u1(class_file);   
        switch (constant->tag) {    // 通过const_pool_tag_t中的数值判断java常量的数据类型
        case CONSTANT_Utf8: {   // utf-8 字符串
            u2 length = read_u2(class_file);
            char *value = malloc(length + 1);
            assert(value && "Failed to allocate UTF8 constant");
            size_t bytes_read = fread(value, 1, length, class_file);
            assert(bytes_read == length && "Failed to read UTF8 constant");
            value[length] = '\0';
            constant->info = (u1 *) value;
        case CONSTANT_Integer: {    // 整形字面量
            CONSTANT_Integer_info *value = malloc(sizeof(*value));
            assert(value && "Failed to allocate integer constant");
            value->bytes = read_u4(class_file);
            constant->info = (u1 *) value;
        case CONSTANT_Class: {      // 类引用
            CONSTANT_Class_info *value = malloc(sizeof(*value));
            assert(value && "Failed to allocate class constant");
            value->string_index = read_u2(class_file);
            constant->info = (u1 *) value;
        case CONSTANT_MethodRef:    // 类方法的符号的引用
        case CONSTANT_FieldRef: {   // 字段的符号的引用   数据结构一样,所以合并
            CONSTANT_FieldOrMethodRef_info *value = malloc(sizeof(*value));
            assert(value && "Failed to allocate FieldRef or MethodRef constant");
            value->class_index = read_u2(class_file);
            value->name_and_type_index = read_u2(class_file);
            constant->info = (u1 *) value;
        case CONSTANT_NameAndType: {    // 字段方法的名称及类型
            CONSTANT_NameAndType_info *value = malloc(sizeof(*value));
            assert(value && "Failed to allocate NameAndType constant");
            value->name_index = read_u2(class_file);
            value->descriptor_index = read_u2(class_file);
            constant->info = (u1 *) value;
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown constant type %d\n", constant->tag);



方法 get_class_info()

代码如下:同样是由于目前的字节码数据结构不包含以下字段,所以仅仅起到移动文件头指针的作用。并且可以看出,目前pitifulVM 不支持接口与继承

class_info_t get_class_info(FILE *class_file)
    class_info_t info = {
        .access_flags = read_u2(class_file),
        .this_class = read_u2(class_file),
        .super_class = read_u2(class_file),
    u2 interfaces_count = read_u2(class_file);
    assert(!interfaces_count && "This VM does not support interfaces.");
    u2 fields_count = read_u2(class_file);
    assert(!fields_count && "This VM does not support fields.");
    return info;
方法 get_methods()


method_t *get_methods(FILE *class_file, constant_pool_t *cp)
    u2 method_count = read_u2(class_file);        // 读取方法表计数器
    method_t *methods = malloc(sizeof(*methods) * (method_count + 1));    // 动态分配方法表大小
    assert(methods && "Failed to allocate methods");

    method_t *method = methods;
    for (u2 i = 0; i < method_count; i++, method++) {
        method_info info = {
            .access_flags = read_u2(class_file),
            .name_index = read_u2(class_file),
            .descriptor_index = read_u2(class_file),
            .attributes_count = read_u2(class_file),

        const_pool_info *name = get_constant(cp, info.name_index);    // 从常量池中取出方法名常量
        assert(name->tag == CONSTANT_Utf8 && "Expected a UTF8");
        method->name = (char *) name->info;
        const_pool_info *descriptor = get_constant(cp, info.descriptor_index);// 从常量池中取出方法描述常量
        assert(descriptor->tag == CONSTANT_Utf8 && "Expected a UTF8");
        method->descriptor = (char *) descriptor->info;

        /* FIXME: this VM can only execute static methods, while every class
         * has a constructor method <init>
        if (strcmp(method->name, "<init>"))        // 判断是否有非静态成员变量和非静态方法
            assert((info.access_flags & IS_STATIC) &&
                   "Only static methods are supported by this VM.");

        read_method_attributes(class_file, &info, &method->code, cp);

    /* Mark end of array with NULL name */
    method->name = NULL;
    return methods;



方法 find_method()

method_t *find_method(const char *name, const char *desc, class_file_t *clazz)
    for (method_t *method = clazz->methods; method->name; method++) {
        if (!(strcmp(name, method->name) || strcmp(desc, method->descriptor)))
            return method;
    return NULL;


方法 execute()

int32_t *execute(method_t *method, int32_t *locals, class_file_t *clazz)
    code_t code = method->code;     // 获取方法
    int32_t op_stack[code.max_stack];   // 创建操作数栈

    uint32_t op_count = 0;      // 操作数栈的深度计数器,也就是栈顶指针

    /* position at the program to be run */
    uint32_t pc = 0;        // pc计数器
    uint8_t *code_buf = code.code;      // 方法的jvm代码

    int loop_count = 0;    
    while (pc < code.code_length) {     // 执行代码
        loop_count += 1;
        uint8_t current = code_buf[pc]; // 通过pc计数器读取当前代码

        /* Reference:
        switch (current) {      // 处理当前代码
        /* Return int from method */
        case i_ireturn: {   // 从方法中返回int类型的数据
        } break;
        /* Return void from method */
        case i_return:  // 从方法中返回,返回值为void
            return NULL;

        /* Invoke a class (static) method */
        case i_invokestatic: {  // 调用静态方法
            uint8_t param1 = code_buf[pc + 1], param2 = code_buf[pc + 2];   // 读取源操作数和目标操作数
            uint16_t index = ((param1 << 8) | param2);      // 计算调用的方法的地址
            /* the method to be called */
            method_t *own_method = find_method_from_index(index, clazz);    // 获取到要调用的方法
            uint16_t num_params = get_number_of_parameters(own_method);     // 获取参数个数
            int32_t own_locals[own_method->code.max_locals];   
            for (int i = num_params - 1; i >= 0; i--) {     // 取参数
                own_locals[i] = op_stack[op_count - 1];
                op_count -= 1;

            int32_t *exec_res = execute(own_method, own_locals, clazz);     // 调用方法
            if (exec_res) {
                op_stack[op_count] = *exec_res;
                op_count += 1;

            free(exec_res);     // 释放对象
            pc += 3;    // pc 寄存器自增
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds: if equals */
        case i_ifeq: {      // 如果等于0,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds: if not equals */
        case i_ifne: {      // 如果不等于0,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds: if less than 0 */
        case i_iflt: {      // 如果小于0,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds: if >= 0 */
        case i_ifge: {      // 如果大于等于0,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds: if greater than 0 */
        case i_ifgt: {      // 如果大于0,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds: if <= 0 */
        case i_ifle: {      // 如果小于等于0,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison succeeds: if equals */
        case i_if_icmpeq: {     // 如果两个int值相等,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison succeeds: if not equals */
        case i_if_icmpne: {     // 如果两个int类型值不相等,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison succeeds: if less than */
        case i_if_icmplt: {     //如果一个int类型值小于另外一个int类型值,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison succeeds: if greater than or equal to */
        case i_if_icmpge: {     // 如果一个int类型值大于或者等于另外一个int类型值,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison succeeds: if greater than */
        case i_if_icmpgt: {     // 如果一个int类型值大于另外一个int类型值,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch if int comparison succeeds: if less than or equal to */
        case i_if_icmple: {     //如果一个int类型值小于或者等于另外一个int类型值,则跳转
        } break;

        /* Branch always */
        case i_goto: {      //无条件跳转
        } break;

        /* Push item from run-time constant pool */
        case i_ldc: {       //常数到操作数栈
        } break;

        /* Load int from local variable */
        case i_iload_0:     // 变量到操作数栈
        case i_iload_1:
        case i_iload_2:
        case i_iload_3: {
        } break;

        /* Load int from local variable */
        case i_iload: {     //变量到操作数栈
        } break;

        /* Store int into local variable */
        case i_istore: {    // 操作数栈到变量
        } break;

        /* Store int into local variable */
        case i_istore_0:
        case i_istore_1:
        case i_istore_2:
        case i_istore_3: {      //操作数栈到变量
        } break;

        /* Increment local variable by constant */
        case i_iinc: {      // 把一个常量值加到一个int类型的局部变量上
        } break;

        /* Push byte */
        case i_bipush: {        // 常数到操作数栈
        } break;

        /* Add int */   
        case i_iadd: {      // 加
        } break;

        /* Subtract int */
        case i_isub: {      // 减
        } break;

        /* Multiply int */
        case i_imul: {      //乘
        } break;

        /* Divide int */
        case i_idiv: {      // 除
        } break;

        /* Remainder int */
        case i_irem: {      //余数
        } break;

        /* Negate int */
        case i_ineg: {      //负数
        } break;

        /* Get static field from class */
        case i_getstatic: {     // 访问类的域和类实例域 未实现
            /* FIXME: unimplemented */
            pc += 3;
        } break;

        /* Invoke instance method; dispatch based on class */
        case i_invokevirtual: {     //调度对象的实便方法
        } break;

        /* Push int constant */
        case i_iconst_m1:      // 将int类型常量n压入栈
        case i_iconst_0:
        case i_iconst_1:
        case i_iconst_2:
        case i_iconst_3:
        case i_iconst_4:
        case i_iconst_5: {
        } break;

        /* Push short */
        case i_sipush: {        // 常数到操作数栈
        } break;
    return NULL;



与pitifulVM 相比,类加载子系统是 get_class方法,执行引擎是execute方法,没有堆。实现了方法区,栈,PC,没有GC。

Last Modified: September 8, 2021